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Daniela Miron

Daniela Miron

Business and Client Manager, ACT

In her role as the Business and Client Manager for our ACT team, Daniela brings a wealth of experience and a global perspective to the table. Hailing originally from Romania, Daniela boasts an impressive background, having served as an experienced Business Program Manager at Microsoft in the computer software industry.

Daniela's professional acumen spans various domains, with expertise in Operations Management, Training Delivery, Teamwork, Interviews, and Business Process Improvement. Her diverse skill set positions her as a proficient and versatile professional capable of navigating the multifaceted demands of her role.

As the Business and Client Manager, Daniela leverages her extensive experience to contribute to the success of our ACT team. Her commitment to operational excellence, coupled with a strategic approach to client management, makes her a valuable asset. Daniela's proficiency, global perspective, and versatile skill set converge to foster positive team dynamics and drive success in her role.

Daniela Miron